Lifestyle Programs Tailored to Your Unique Genetic Profile

What Can Your Genes Tell You About Supplements?

When it comes to supplements, how do you decide what you should take? Visit any grocery or health store and there are countless options lining the shelves — some riskier to play around with than others.

But there is also a certain level of risk that comes with not taking supplements. Food can only provide is with a certain level of nutrition, even when we eat a proper diet.

Take one of my clients, for example. He came to me at 48 years old with brain fog, fatigue in the afternoon, sleep trouble, and consistently sick.

I looked at his blood results and confirmed he had chronic inflammation, a tendency for high inflammation, and aggressive pro-inflammatory genes. He also didn’t process folic acid from food or vitamin D from food or the sun.

What did we do? We gave him:

  • a topical calming cream to help with sleep
  • B vitamins with active folate, active B-12, and B-6
  • liquid vitamin D to help with immunity
  • mucuna supplement to help with focus at work

His response to me?

"This treatment is a game-changer."

What can your genes tell you?

I can do the same for you that I did for my 48-year-old client. Using your genetic profile, I can:

  • see how your body absorbs and transports the basic vitamins, A, B, C, D, E, and K;
  • tell your likely levels of magnesium, selenium, zinc, and iron, which are cofactors, or what is necessary for basic vitamins to work;
  • see predispositions for faulty metabolic processes in your body, such as under- or over-methylation;
  • look at neurotransmitters to determine your needs for gaba, serotonin, and dopamine;
  • look at genes that eliminate toxins, reduce oxidative stress, and reduce inflammation.

All of these factors help in determining the best supplements for you.

Reach out to me to schedule a call so we can work together to get you the right supplements and optimize your health.